TEG’S SHOW HOUSE PRESENTS FACE OF TEG’S SHOW HOUSE COMPETITION “Royal edition” (Celebrating Non-conventional beauty)


The competition FACE OF TEG’S SHOW HOUSE, is a yearly Contest which intention is to encourage growth in confidence, outgoing personality and a positive image of the girl child. It also helps the girl child to improve self esteem and over come fear.
It’s intention is to also reach out to help disadvantaged children.
With this year’s theme : THE SOCIETY AND THE GIRL CHILD, it brings forth answers to the following:
1. What are the struggles, challenges and oppression faced by the girl child .
2. What are the factors that are foist on the girl child, such as challenges and oppression.
It’s first edition was successfully held at the Delta state university.
This second edition is proposed to take place in the city of warri, beginning with a camping experience for contestants till it’s grand finals. December 10th – 16th 2018.
This is yet another evidence to prove  extraordinary ability to win the heart of all, through event management.
TEG’S SHOW HOUSE is an entertainment, event planning and event master organization which specializes in organizing all kind of events, concert and parties.
Through the regular organization of carefully planned and relevant juvenile entertainment and developmental programs, our mission is to, in collaboration with interested organizations, entertain and develop today’s teens, youths and adults socially and mentally.
Thus developing their minds and creating maximum relaxation and recreation.

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