Today in Ndokwa Nation wherever you turn to one name resonates the loudest, from the East Coast to the dry Cape of the West all the way down to the other side of the Ethiope, Alexander Agha is the name on everyone’s lips.
Scorpion like he is fondly called by his crowd of followers have systematically gotten the youth’s, women and stakeholders on his side, ensuring he makes his mark wherever he goes.
Politics is a game of numbers and the indices is looking quite favourable to the light from the east, his charming charisma and quiet yet tactful disposition has won him a plethora of admirers across the three lga, little wonder why chants of his name rents the air wherever he births.
Overtime the people of Ndokwa Nation have cried out in anguish over the type of representation they have gotten in the hollowed green chambers of the national assembly, and this time they are demanding more, well their prayers is about to be answered, Scorpion is ready to give them more.
Alex Agha is a known philanthropist, dedicated and passionate about things that affects his people, he has never failed to respond to the call whenever he has been called to serve, his desire to selflessly serve is second none.
It’s a known fact that everyone is clamouring for the constituency to join the global paradigm shift and allow for a younger vibrant aspirant to take the reigns and how fitting to note that Alexander the great has put himself forward for elections, indeed he holds the key.
He holds the key to unlocking all hidden potentials, he holds the key to activating the treasures the people seek, he holds the key to attracting the federal presence the people crave for, he holds the key to the future, the key for a better and prosperous Ndokwa federal constituency.
If truly the constituents of Ndokwa Ukwuani federal constituency desire a change, then Alex Agha is the go to guy.
Alexander “SCORPION” Agha is the real deal and with him comes the wind of change, hope and glory, and yes he is the keymaker.
Let the people of Ndokwa Nation Embrace the wind of positive change and get carried to lofty heights.
Alex for reps is the real deal.